Wednesday 13 July 2016

Preventing windscreen and window fogging

Windscreen and window fogging is a common hazard during the monsoon

Preventing windscreen and window fogging
Windscreen/window fogging is not a huge problem but it needs to be addressed as it hinders the driver’s vision. Visibility is already low during heavy downpours and mist on the front and rear windshields only aggravate the problem. Needless to say, driving in such conditions compromises safety.
Fogging occurs due to the difference in the temperatures outside and inside the car. With the air-conditioner on full blast the temperature inside the car is much lower than on the outside, which results in the windscreen/windows fogging up from the outside. Without the air-con, the temperature outside is lower, causing fogging on the inside.
If your windscreen fogs up from the inside, switch the air-conditioner on to the ventilation mode until the fogging clears up. For windscreen fogging on the outside, use the wipers to get rid of the mist or roll down the windows to balance the temperature and switch on the heater and put it on the windshield mode. 
The key is to regulate the temperature inside so it is on par with the temperature outside. High end sedans have front as well as rear push-button defoggers but for cars without, it has to be done manually.  
To clear fogged-up windows, roll down and roll up the windows, and the rubber strip at the bottom of the windows will clear the fog. Or use micro-fibre cloth to wipe the fog off the glass.

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